Torgny Persson

Research and innovation director

Photo: Björn Leijon Torgny Persson

“We see exciting ideas and results in, amongst other things, new packaging solutions, wood buildings and nanocellulose and lignin applications. To develop these ideas, which have the potential to be radically ground-breaking, industry needs risk capital and the help of public research financiers.”

More research and innovation programmes supporting the development of a bioeconomy are a major goal of Torgny's work. He works closely with companies and research financiers such as, for example, Vinnova (the Swedish Governmental Agency for Innovation Systems), the Swedish Energy Agency, Mistra (the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research) and Formas (the Swedish research council for sustainable development). Within the EU, Torgny is involved with Horizon 2020 and upcoming programmes along with, for example, the forest sector technology platform (FTP). While new materials and products are exciting, Torgny continually and simultaneously emphasises the importance of developing existing production facilities through energy efficiency and material optimisation.