The Swedish forest industry is working with sustainable development from an environmental, social and economic perspective. A responsible way of conducting business and a long-term focus to develop and improve quality of products, safety and the environment, are important corner stones to the whole industry.
Environmental consideration
Environmental consideration is a priority for the forest industry. The raw material from responsibly farmed forests is used to produce products and energy - and the whole tree is utilized. The products are recycled, either as material or as bioenergy.
Social responsibility
Social responsibility is on a fundamental level about respecting national and international labor laws and human rights regulations. To our member organizations, it often means much more than that. It is about being an active player where you conduct your business. Companies within the forest industry also work together on social responsibility through the employer organizations Industriarbetsgivarna (Employers organisation with the focus on industry) and Sirius, the common forum for collaboration within the pulp- and paper industry.
Economic growth
The forest industry is one of the most important industries in Sweden. The industry equals 9-12% of the total employment, export, revenue and added value in Sweden. The ambition of the industry is to strengthen the competitiveness and develop the operation in Sweden.
Sustainability and our members
The members of the Swedish Forest Industries Federation can share how they work with sustainability. Many are also publishing yearly sustainability reports.
Some examples: