The Swedish Forest Industries Federation is a driving force in several European partnerships for an increased focus on forest-related research that benefit the bio-economic development.
FTP - Forest-based Sector Technology Platform. The European hub for research and innovation in the forest-based bioeconomy. Aiming to be a meeting place for industry, forest owners and public authorities to discuss common research and innovation needs on a European level. FTP also delivers scientific sound, strategic and EU relevant information to public funding providers, thus facilitating opportunities for targeted investments in research, technological developments and innovation. The FTP is led by Managing Director, Johan Elvnert. Swedish Lena Ek, president of Södra, is chairman of the FTP.
CEPI - The Confederation of European Paper Industries. CEPI represents the pulp and paper industry in 19 countries. CEPI has four standing committees, which take long-term strategic perspectives on the relevant issues affecting the industry. The role of CEPI is also to represent the paper industry with EU institutions and stakeholders and to improve the image and visibility of the paper industry.
CEI-Bois - The European Confederation of Woodworking Industries. CEI-Bois is a trade organization that promotes the interests of the European wood sector. They also play a vital part when it comes to driving research and innovation questions that are crucial to the wood-based sector on a European level and aims to contribute to the EU policy-making process within the sector.
Horizon 2020 - The EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. Horizon 2020 is an initiative aimed at securing Europe's global competitiveness. The program is the financial instrument to support research and innovation and aims to stimulate the development of future and emerging technologies.
IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis. is an international scientific institute that conducts research into the current critical issues of global environmental, economic, technological, and social change. IIASA is an international scientific institute that conducts policy-oriented research into problems that are too large or complex to be solved by a single country or academic discipline. The Swedish participation in IIASA is organized by Formas.