You will soon be able to eat crisps from a plastic-free packet. A Swedish research project is currently under way aimed at finding fossil-free laminates. The hope is that the oil-based protective barriers that are used closest to the food product, for example in crisps and milk packaging, will be able to be replaced by renewable material.
Today there are tough requirements on functionality and longevity. For that reason, packaging such as crisp packets and milk cartons have a protective laminate closest to the food product that is made of fossil-based material - i.e., plastic. Without this coating fat permeates through the packaging and milk lasts for a far shorter time.
Through the "Pilot Fossil-Free Laminate" project there is hope for a change. The objective is to eventually be able to replace the majority of the fossil-based plastic materials in existing packaging laminates with different bio-based material, such as paper and cardboard.
The project is being backed by the business cluster Paper Province, RISE, Brobygrafiska and UMV coating systems.